OOPS! I Screwed Up!

I subscribe to my own podcasts, not because I'm some kind of narcissist or I'm trying to boost my stats, but because when I see the download happen on my podcatcher, I know the feed is working OK.

A couple of days ago, I happened to actually listen to the episode I downloaded

The edits were sloppy. Then the episode "ended," but I kept going...and I realized I had uploaded a partial edit with raw tape at the end.

Fortunately, I didn't say anything embarrassing.

I'd already found a BIG problem in the episode that I wanted to talk about before I realized the editing mistake. On this episode, I talk about that as well as "rules" you should always follow when recording your podcast.

Don't Let Your Podcast Be Ignored - Download my free "Audience Attraction Cheat Sheet" to get 25 podcast episode (and segment) templates.

Check out the episode!