Branded Podcasts - How the Money Works

Almost all companies understand "podcast advertising" as it's very similar to traditional media advertising, which has been around forever. But for those who really want to "own a market" (literally), a branded podcast may be a better solution.

A branded podcast allows you to control 100% of the message being shared, not just a portion of it. It allows you to followup with people and develop relationships with them in ways much deeper than traditional advertising can.

But there are downsides, the biggest being it takes more skill to do a branded podcast and you'll need to transfer your current audience to that podcast, not the other way around, which is what you get with traditional advertising.

Fortunately there are people, like me, who can help you with this.

One of the positives is that a branded podcast will pay for itself, if done right.

Here's how:

1. People trust podcasts, so your attached business will be seen as trustworthy. And you, or your representatives on the podcast, can easily be showcases for your expert knowledge.

2. Because listeners (your potential customers) spend so much time with podcasts, they start to "know" you and your business. This is where branded podcasts really shine over traditional advertising, because you'll have more time with potential customers and also because you can show more depth of personality and experience – a short commercial read by somebody else doesn't do this.

3. Because customers "know" you and understand your business, it's easier to get full price for your products and services.

4. Because you're seen as an expert and sharing your message in a compelling way, additional media opportunities, like television interviews, speaking engagements, and newspaper and magazine articles, will emerge.

5. All of the above stack together with the end result being more income for your business and less sales/marketing costs – this is how a "branded podcast" pays for itself.

Want more info about how your company can benefit from a custom branded podcast and to talk about options for you to literally "own the market" you're in? Contact Voxphonic.